Peren District is inhabited by the Zeliangs who originated from Nkuilwangdi, presently in Senapati District of Manipur. After consolidating British rule in Kohima and surrounding villages by 1879, the British Imperialist turned its attention towards Barail ranges South of the Angami Country inhabited by the Zeliangs (Known to the Britishers as Kacha Nagas) and succeeded in establishing their authority over the Zeliangs within the following years. Soon after, the British Government realized the importance of proper communication to carry out colonial administration and extention of political administrative control. Accordingly, link roads were constructed linking Kohima with all the outlying posts. One such link roads constructed was the bridle path through Khonoma via Benreu Pedi, Peletkie, Peren, Tesen to Tening outpost in 1885. Moreover, comfortable Dak Bangalows also known as Inspection Bangolows, were constructed at Pedi, Peletkie and Tesangki. This bridle path proved effective in quelling the freedom movement led by Rani Gaidinliu between 1931 -1940 and her subsequent capture from Poilwa village by Captain Macdonald And as a Precautionary measure against its revival, the british Government maintained its outpost at Tening (Henima). Moreover, side by side with its political interest, the colonial administration realized the importance of propagating Christianity amongst the Naga Tribes. Thus, the introduction of Christianity and imperialist expansionist policy went hand in hand which had far-reaching impact on the Nagas, including the Zeliangs on the way to faster growth and advancement. The Kohima Mission Centre, in particular, proved to be the center of “turning point” for the Zeliangs as more than a Century ago Heizieluing of Benreu Village who was employed as a developmental worker in this Center became the first convert amongst the Zeliang tribe, to be followed years later by other fellow villagers, also from this Centre. Thus Christianity spread among the Zeliangs. Consequent to the spread of Chtristianity when Peren Town was first established, one of the first things the early settlers did was to set up a Church with Ngimraing as the first Pastor Resultantly, Christianity is deep rooted in Peren District with Christian comprising about 95% of the total population.